Friday 24 October 2014

Let's Stop The Hate

Today's society seems to have become one of hatred. About everyday I will hear someone say 'I hate people'. Even if I, myself, am down, I might probably say the words 'Gr I hate people'.
We don't hate people, let's get that perfectly clear. Sure, you can read this and keep saying to yourself 'No, I do hate people!', but you don't. You cannot simply hate the entire human race, I mean you yourself are a human... unless some super intelligent hamster is reading this, in which case, my point still stands.

Honestly, the reason for hating people nowadays is probably because it's just so much easier to do so. The internet is basically at our finger tips and most of the time, we can say whatever we want to people without any repercussions. People can invade people's privacy on the internet if they wanted to, people can tweet a nasty thing about someone if they wanted to, people can message something horrible to others if they want to. 
The key phrase here is 'if you want to' .
You don't have to do all that horrible stuff, hating isn't something you have to do yet a lot of us do it. The reason people seem to do it is because it's cool. Once on my YouTube channel, I even made a video called 'Why I Hate People', which was a mistake because it was rather cruel.

Even our government is becoming about hate. UKIP are a prime example. They basically want to leave the EU and basically kick immigrants out. What they fail to recognise is that immigrants actually have a harder time than us British chaps, in fact, their life was so pants from where ever they came from that they had move to the UK, a country ruled by fucking David Cameron. But no, they want to ignore that and send them back, because that is best for their well being, obviously. Their whole campaign, is based on hate.
Even the Mayor of London: Boris Johnson. Nobody actually realises he is one of the most intelligent yet hateful people around, they don't see this because of his silly, funny act. He said a 'minor' law should be put in place that any Briton travelling to Iraq or Syria should be presumed guilty until proven innocent.  
I will say nothing. Please feel free to gather your own opinion on that.

Sure, a lot of the human race are dicks, but at the same time, a lot of them aren't. There's literally no reason to hate everyone because we're all stuck on this big planet together so we should all probably try to get along. It's easy to tweet something nasty or say something horrible, but it's nicer to say something out of love.