Tuesday 30 September 2014

This Is Your Life

'This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time' - Tyler Durden, Fight Club

That's quote is just a fancy way of saying 'YOLO'. It just sounds a lot more depressing yet so true unless you're Captain Jack Harkness. 

So, we're all basically dying... Don't go and give up on life just yet please. This is a pretty big revelation. You've just realised and possibly accepted your inevitable death. 
Now go and do stuff.
But don't be a dick.

Please, be nice to people. Treat everyone as a human being. This is not an excuse to suddenly blow your nose with bible pages and drink your life away in a muppets mug. Go and do something and make a name for yourself if you want.

Tyler Durden's whole philosophy was that we're never going to get noticed so we might as well wreck shit and see what happens - hopefully send a message about our generation. 
It's slightly true but at the same time it's complete bullshit. We all do matter, everybody matters really and we're noticed by a lot of people. If you're reading this and you think nobody notices you or cares about you then you are wrong because somebody in the world cares and knows you so please calm down.
Tyler was right, we should send a message but at the same time we shouldn't wreck stuff. Let's all try and be nice and put an end to capitalist crap (alliteration makes me smile). Being an idiot isn't going to help.

If you feel the need to start a revolution or get noticed then fine, go for it, but don't riot, that only makes things worse. It's hypocritical peace. 

Wednesday 24 September 2014


'We are all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.' - Matt Smith's last monologue as the Doctor.

When I first heard this monologue, I used to just think it was nice but I always overlooked it, however lately I've been thinking about it quite a lot. The fact of the matter is, I've changed a lot over time, and I think it is a good thing. 
Some teenagers reading this are probably thinking 'Oh I'm not going to change at all really', and you know what? Some of you might not. Some of you might just go on the same path you want. But the majority of you will change. 
I know this, because I never believed it either.

Sometimes I think of certain scenarios in my head about things that obviously will not happen. For example: Terrorists invade my school and it's up to me to stop them. I used to take a rather violent approach to these things,as you know, it's cool to be able to do action and stuff. But as I grew older I decided to take a more peaceful approach to it.
This all probably means nothing to you but the point that I'm making is that I changed. My mind set changed.  

I even think I'm a better person that I used to be. My views on society have in fact changed. The way I behave now has changed. 
Society has come up with this thing that it's 'cool' to 'hate' people. I once fell under this little illusion, but then as I became more peaceful the whole concept of hate just bothered me. Why is it cool so hate people? Is it not better to love one another?
Today I was sat in the library reading volume one of The Walking Dead by myself all upset about an ending relationship, so stupid comments were really going to get to me. But then I heard a girl in the background say 'I hate feminists, like, why would you care about society and stuff it's all so stupid'. Man, this really got to me. I have become a fully fledged feminist and there's no going back... WELL GOOD! I don't want to go back! The Doctor can't go back to his old faces, why should I go back to my old mind set?

The message I'm trying to get across here is, you will most likely change and you have to embrace it, but don't be a hateful person, that's not the way to go. And make sure you remember who you used to be, because it's always useful to look back on yourself and learn from mistakes whilst at the same time cringing.      

Saturday 20 September 2014

What is Peace?

'Peace comes from within. Do not seek it out' -Buddha

I'm not a Buddhist. It's an ambition of mine I suppose, if that's the correct term. When doing some research on them the main thing that stood out to me was the fact it was a religion of peace. 
Before doing my research however, I had already decided I was a peaceful person with 'Give Peace a Chance' as my motto anyway. 

So what is peace? Is it something that requires a religion? Is it something we seek out? 

Peace is a state of mind. It helps people into being more positive and less violent and aggressive. 
If we were to all live with this state of mind, it would be a generally nicer world. No wars. No fights. No anger. No manifest destiny... But unfortunately, humans fucked up very early on.

It's okay to be angry, it's human emotion, you can't help it (unless you're a monk... I don't understand how they do it). Just make sure you don't get angry at people too much. The main thing to do - I think - is be an all round positive person. 
Be an optimist.
Or don't be if you don't want to label yourself. 
I don't mind.

A lot of the time, when I tell someone I want peace or something, they will call me a 'hippy'. If it makes them feel better giving me a label like that then so be it, but I know I'm really, really not a 'hippy'. 
If I were to label myself, I'd probably say I'm a 'peaceful feminist writer'... Does that sound cool? I think it does. I like trying to make myself sound cool.

Religion isn't something that is required to achieve peace, however if it makes you feel better about it and yourself or it's what you believe in, sure, go for it. 
I'd like to be a Buddhist because it sounds pretty rad and I could also add it to my label, but unfortunately I'm finding it hard to become one. Buddhists are pacifists (and so am I) but the other day I punched my best friend in the arm and I don't know if that's allowed... It was all banter, I swear. So I've resorted to just looking up to some of their teachings and stuff for now, it's all very wise.

But as long as I know how to treat life, as long as I can be peaceful, then I wouldn't say a label or a religion is necessary for me. 

I'm a happy soul at the moment. Everyone should be. 
Empathise and Sympathise, I think it'll all be alright.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Forever Wanting to be a Character

I think we all connect with characters and have favourite ones mainly because we want to be them. As a child, it didn't matter what TV show or film you were obsessed with, you would often pretend to be a character. For me, I was obsessed with The Lion King and always felt the need to dress up and pretend to be Simba and make lion noises (I am still proud of those amazing noises to this day). But the reason I loved Simba so much was simply because I connected with him.
Don't get me wrong, my king-father wasn't murdered by my evil uncle and I didn't run away - it's just because I wanted to matter, and I suppose I still do. I didn't want power, I just wanted to matter to some people - lonely children don't get that luxury.  

However as we grow older, we don't become obsessed and dress up, we tend to just fall in love  or connect with them. For me, growing up in high school for the first few years was a bit of an odd one. I didn't really matter but people had started to get to know me in my last two or three years. 
Then one day I watched Fight Club... I couldn't even comprehend that film. But Tyler Durden, he for some reason amazed me. The way he accepted that he just is and that we all just are. That's what I really needed: acceptance of myself and others (my acceptance may not have worked 100% until recently...). To this day I still find my self talking for my body parts, just like him:
'I am Sam's bladder who just decided to fill up and piss him off.'

Sometimes I think of characters like The Doctor and how amazingly cool and nice he is and how he can protect people without using violence, how he really matters to people and doesn't notice it. That's one reason people relate to him, we all matter to plenty of people but none of us realises just how much.

A character is essentially a concept. And like every other concept, if it sounds quite good then you will most likely love it. Favouring a character is normal. I suppose we love them because we either relate to them or want to be like them. 
With me loving Simba, I wanted to matter just like him. With Tyler, I looked up to his acceptance of life. 

Character's are amazing.
It's really beautiful when you think about it.

I am Sam's last sentence.