Saturday 20 September 2014

What is Peace?

'Peace comes from within. Do not seek it out' -Buddha

I'm not a Buddhist. It's an ambition of mine I suppose, if that's the correct term. When doing some research on them the main thing that stood out to me was the fact it was a religion of peace. 
Before doing my research however, I had already decided I was a peaceful person with 'Give Peace a Chance' as my motto anyway. 

So what is peace? Is it something that requires a religion? Is it something we seek out? 

Peace is a state of mind. It helps people into being more positive and less violent and aggressive. 
If we were to all live with this state of mind, it would be a generally nicer world. No wars. No fights. No anger. No manifest destiny... But unfortunately, humans fucked up very early on.

It's okay to be angry, it's human emotion, you can't help it (unless you're a monk... I don't understand how they do it). Just make sure you don't get angry at people too much. The main thing to do - I think - is be an all round positive person. 
Be an optimist.
Or don't be if you don't want to label yourself. 
I don't mind.

A lot of the time, when I tell someone I want peace or something, they will call me a 'hippy'. If it makes them feel better giving me a label like that then so be it, but I know I'm really, really not a 'hippy'. 
If I were to label myself, I'd probably say I'm a 'peaceful feminist writer'... Does that sound cool? I think it does. I like trying to make myself sound cool.

Religion isn't something that is required to achieve peace, however if it makes you feel better about it and yourself or it's what you believe in, sure, go for it. 
I'd like to be a Buddhist because it sounds pretty rad and I could also add it to my label, but unfortunately I'm finding it hard to become one. Buddhists are pacifists (and so am I) but the other day I punched my best friend in the arm and I don't know if that's allowed... It was all banter, I swear. So I've resorted to just looking up to some of their teachings and stuff for now, it's all very wise.

But as long as I know how to treat life, as long as I can be peaceful, then I wouldn't say a label or a religion is necessary for me. 

I'm a happy soul at the moment. Everyone should be. 
Empathise and Sympathise, I think it'll all be alright.

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