Tuesday, 30 September 2014

This Is Your Life

'This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time' - Tyler Durden, Fight Club

That's quote is just a fancy way of saying 'YOLO'. It just sounds a lot more depressing yet so true unless you're Captain Jack Harkness. 

So, we're all basically dying... Don't go and give up on life just yet please. This is a pretty big revelation. You've just realised and possibly accepted your inevitable death. 
Now go and do stuff.
But don't be a dick.

Please, be nice to people. Treat everyone as a human being. This is not an excuse to suddenly blow your nose with bible pages and drink your life away in a muppets mug. Go and do something and make a name for yourself if you want.

Tyler Durden's whole philosophy was that we're never going to get noticed so we might as well wreck shit and see what happens - hopefully send a message about our generation. 
It's slightly true but at the same time it's complete bullshit. We all do matter, everybody matters really and we're noticed by a lot of people. If you're reading this and you think nobody notices you or cares about you then you are wrong because somebody in the world cares and knows you so please calm down.
Tyler was right, we should send a message but at the same time we shouldn't wreck stuff. Let's all try and be nice and put an end to capitalist crap (alliteration makes me smile). Being an idiot isn't going to help.

If you feel the need to start a revolution or get noticed then fine, go for it, but don't riot, that only makes things worse. It's hypocritical peace. 

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